vet with dog.

It can be exciting to shop for all the items a new pet needs. A prospective pet owner wants to find the comfiest bedding, the best toys, and the most attractive gear. But the most important thing to shop for is the right veterinarian. A great deal of time and consideration can go into selecting the right practice. Since pet healthcare is our number one priority, the team at Oroville Animal Health Center can help you make this important decision.

The Perfect Match

While you can definitely wait to look for the perfect doctor in the most convenient location after you adopt a pet, we recommend establishing yourself as a client at your preferred veterinary hospital long before you adopt. Since all newly adopted animals benefit from early medical support, you won’t be spending precious moments searching for the right fit. By the time your pet is ready for their initial wellness exam, you’ll already have your new vet on speed dial!

What You Value Most

Identifying your values plays a big role in finding the right veterinarian. Some pet owners are concerned with proximity, and only look at veterinary hospitals within a certain radius from home. This is a great strategy, especially in the case of a pet emergency. 

Sometimes, the way a veterinary hospital looks is the biggest factor. Without a doubt, you want to see that the hospital is clean, inviting, warm, and welcoming. When you tour, take special notice of how things are displayed and stored. Seeing a high standard in the lobby and exam rooms suggests special care and consideration. 

The cost of pet healthcare services is crucial to most (if not all) pet owners. It’s a good idea to learn about general fees associated with exams, diagnostics, surgeries, etc. prior to establishing yourself as a client. Along the same lines, ask about wellness plans, pet insurance, and scheduled increases. 

The More You Know

If applicable, ask around your social, community, or work circles for recommendations. Stop dog owners at the park and ask them about their choice of veterinarian. Conduct online research and read the reviews. Once you’ve narrowed down the list, call to schedule a tour or consultation. 

One Size Fits All?

Selecting the right veterinarian is a highly subjective process. The experience of interviewing doctors and staff, touring a hospital, and speaking with existing clients are all crucial to making the right decision. 

We value the opportunity to meet prospective clients and welcome questions about our services. Treating a pet like family is one of our specialties, and we love helping them achieve lifelong health and happiness. 

Pet Healthcare, Done Right

Oroville Animal Health Center could be the perfect match for you and your new pet. We want to provide your pet with the best possible care, exceed your customer service expectations, and support your journey of pet ownership. 

Whether they are young, old, large, small, furry, or hairless, Dr. Harry is excited to meet your new pet! Please call us at (530) 533‑7513 or schedule an appointment online.