How to Choose a Reliable and Knowledgeable Veterinarian

vet with dog.

It can be exciting to shop for all the items a new pet needs. A prospective pet owner wants to find the comfiest bedding, the best toys, and the most attractive gear. But the most important thing to shop for is the right veterinarian. A great deal of time and consideration can go into selecting the right practice. Since pet healthcare is our number one priority, the team at Oroville Animal Health Center can help you make this important decision.


Creative Ways to Celebrate National Dog Day

dog and owner selfie.

A dedicated dog owner is already prone to commemorating all the things their dog did on any given day. From going potty in the same spot, sitting down when asked, or cuddling during a movie, every day is a good day to share with a dog. 

To make things even more official when it comes to celebrating canines, August 26th is National Dog Day. Not only a sweet reminder to acknowledge the importance of your own dog, this holiday helps us all remember the ways that dogs impact everyone’s lives and communities. 


Preparing Your Pet for a Visit to the Vet: Tips for a Stress-Free Experience

dog at vet office.

If you’ve ever had to wrangle a cat that suddenly has the strength of a puma into a carrier or cleaned up after a carsick dog, then you understand how stressful vet visits can be for pets and owners alike. 

At Oroville Animal Health Center, we want all of our animal friends to stay healthy and up to date with their medical needs. If the thought of taking your dog or cat to the vet makes you cringe, try these tips for making veterinary visits less stressful for you and your pets.


Preparing Your Pet for Summer: A Guide to Keeping Them Safe and Healthy

poodle outside.

If you are anything like the team at Oroville Animal Health Center, you are probably ready to get out there having fun in the warm California sun as summer officially begins. This beautiful part of the year is no time to slack on pet care, though. Take some time to review summer pet safety and make sure that your animals are prepared for the season.


How to Create an Emergency Plan that Includes Your Pet

Cat in a cage.

When disaster strikes, having a plan makes it easier for you and your family to make it through an emergency safely. It’s important to keep pet safety in mind when you make your emergency plans, too. In California, pet disaster awareness means preparing for fires, earthquakes, floods, and mudslides. The team at Oroville Animal Health Center has tips to help you create a pet safety plan.


When Canine Aggression Gets in the Way (and Ruins Your Day)

A woman walking an aggressive German Shepherd.

There are few things scarier than canine aggression—in part because it really can sneak up on you when you least expect it. One minute, your dog is behaving normally and the next, you’re taking cover from their strong jaws and sharp teeth. A growling, lunging, combative dog is certainly problematic and not for the faint of heart. However, there are attainable solutions that not only help you understand canine aggression, but redirect that energy into something productive. 


Pet Friendly St. Patrick’s Day Events

Dog with green clover hat.

St. Patrick’s Day is March 17, and what better way to honor your Irish roots than to celebrate the day with your favorite furry companion?

At Oroville Animal Health Center, we understand your desire to include your pet in holiday festivities. The important thing is to cater to your pet’s needs and comfort zone. Whether your four-legged companion is a social butterfly or a wallflower, there are plenty of fun ways to mark the occasion. 

Check out these suggestions from our team, and enjoy St. Patrick’s Day with your pet!


Going For a Walk With Your Dog Is Good Medicine

dog going on walk

Taking your dog for a walk around the block can become a bit of a humdrum chore, but it doesn’t have to be. When you think about what’s happening to both of you, physically and emotionally, going for a walk with your dog is a truly radical act of love and devotion. If you need a little extra inspiration, your friends at Oroville Animal Health Center are happy to share 3 more reasons to walk your dog today and every day. 


Warm, Cozy, Winter Pet Safety Tips

Dogs in a blanket.

The weather has the power to change our behavior, improve well-being, and add layers of meaning to any time spent outdoors, but it can also simply be something that we have to deal with. This is evident in the middle winter as we slog through just for the reward of eventually reaching spring. Our pets may not alter their behavioral patterns or habits as much as we do, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t vulnerable to the season’s whims. Protect your pet from various external hazards with our winter pet safety tips.
